Eto & Futurewave: «We’re the Dead Poets. The voiceless with the voice»

On the occasion of the release of the joint album “Dead Poets” we interviewed the Rochester (NY) rapper Eto and the Canadian producer Futurewave, to talk in depth about the concept behind it and to understand their artistry and professional dedication to their craft, diving between the lines of this masterpiece.

Peace brothers, we really appreciate your availability in answering our questions, as we are eagerly waiting for the release of this album, highly anticipated by your fans, that you have entitled “Dead Poets”. So, what led you guys to collaborate and make this album together? How did you meet and find a common ground for realizing this album?

ETO:Peace! We appreciate you guys as well. Blame Daniel Son (Canadian rapper ed’s note) ha , great pal of mine whom I caught wind of Futurewave through. Wasn’t even expecting this thing. We just conjured, it came outta nowhere man .. shit happens for a reason.

FUTUREWAVE: A few years ago Eto and I had the idea to collaborate on a project. I knew I had to dedicate the time to create something in his pocket and I also had to make sure we had a good business plan behind it. The moment I had room to focus on producing a full project I hit up FXCK RXP to see if they would be interested and of course they were, so I started cooking.

Futurewave, what made you want to collaborate with Eto more than anything else? What do you think differentiates him from the other MCs?

FUTUREWAVE:Eto is a legend, what producer in this underground game wouldn’t want to work with him? The music he makes hits on a different level, you can tell he really lived it. I feel and share his pain.

Eto, we imagine you usually have many requests to work together from different underground producers: So what did you find in Futurewave’s vision, vibes or way of working that convinced you to realize a full joint project?

ETO: I didn’t find it nor look , it was organic and official! At one point I didn’t care about how wack the rapper was as long as I got paid lol but I can never just settle with producers…He has to have that sound!! And Futurewave has a strict ear just like mine… He’s a natural , it had to happen

Futurewave, Eto is from Rochester (NY), you’re from Toronto (Canada), although it’s not that far away, there’s a border in between tho. Did you meet in a studio or did it all happen remotely? How was it for you to approach Eto’s way of working and style? Has the fact that he is also a producer influenced your way of working?

FUTUREWAVE: The project came together during COVID so unfortunately it was all made remotely. Also, I haven’t been to the US since 2019, but Eto and I are gonna link the moment I get my situation straight. As far as how we approach making this album, I first would send a batch of 10 to 15 beats, he then would pick the ones he wanted and then would ask for more if needed. After all the tracks were recorded, I would go into my producer mindset and start nitpicking everything, add the touches and vibe that the songs needed.

Where did the idea to name the album “Dead Poets” come from? Who are and what do the “Dead Poets” represent from your point of view?

FUTUREWAVE: This is a concept my brother Eto came with, his answer would be the best representation of what it is.

ETO: I never came up with the title first, it’s weird. It comes as I go… safe to say Futurewave is the blame for that tho, ha I see it when I hear it… not many can put me in that groove! We are the dead poets! The voiceless with the voices!!

Eto, during the last couple of years you’ve been pretty quiet about releasing new music, compared to the previous pre-pandemic years. Why? Have you had a hard time finding new inspiration, have you been busy with something else, like producing for others, or what ?

ETO:Nah man , I am my inspiration… my kids – you guys are my inspiration… parenting, becoming this man and life is no excuse for my absence! That’s my motivation – but the truth is I haven’t been excited. I’m not in a rush to get heard!
It’s all over the place… everybody can be anybody these days… I upset the happy home!! I take pride in it .,. so when the time is right, then it’s Time!! Take your time!!!

Futurewave, maybe someone still doesn’t know your name, but you have produced full albums for artists like Boldy James, Rome Streetz, Al Divino, Daniel Son, just to name a few: an amazing resume for anyone tuned to the underground Hip-Hop scene.
But when did your career as a producer really start and what led you to start making beats?

FUTUREWAVE: I would say my “career” really began in 2017 when I first linked with Daniel Son, before that I’ve been playing around and making music with the local artist from my neighbourhood. Hip Hop has been a part of my life since I was a child and I knew I wanted to be a part of it but 2017 is when I started paying some of my bills with this music, so I guess you can say my career started that year.

Did you guys immediately find the formula for “Dead Poets” or was it a troubled work, in which you had discarded and cut several things before finding the right formula?

ETO: Once the tone is set , ain’t no looking back! It’s upppp…I don’t force it .. it’s never troubled work for me, however I take it very serious!! That’s the formula!

FUTUREWAVE: Not really, I did change a few beats but for the most part it was an easy process once a situation was locked in for the project.

What led you to choose the features within “Dead Poets”? And what about the cover’s artwork? Who did realize it?

ETO: I base who I feature with solely on behalf of hearing them on a beat I hear them on lol. I don’t care how hot he is, some beats ain’t for that guy!!! Simply!!!!!! Now , about the artwork .. holy shit .. INSANE!!!!!!!!

FUTUREWAVE: Eto picked the features. My only request was to get Daniel Son on there, I try to have him involved with every project I do, but that was easy because Eto and Daniel Son already have a solid relationship. As for the artwork, my man RDRB put that together, he masterminded the whole thing. Dude is a genius.

What is your favorite song in the album and why?

ETO: I have no favorites , I always make sure I love them all or they won’t get placed…I would never record 40 songs just to pick the best ten!!! My joints are going to make the cut for sure!! NO IFFY

FUTUREWAVE: To be real, that’s a hard question because when I “produce” an album my goal is to make every record my favorite. With Dead Poets I feel I achieved this goal, every record serves a purpose.

On the other hand, what was the track that created you the greater difficulties and initially you weren’t 100% convinced but then made you change your mind?

FUTUREWAVE:Originally I wasn’t a big fan of “Did You Hear” featuring G4. It wasn’t the verses that I had a problem with, it was the beat, I didn’t know how to fit it on the album because we already had that vibe and I didn’t want the sound to get played out. Therefore I created a beat that fit the concept perfectly.

ETO: This questions applies to answer number 7 lol

What do you think makes this album special and unique?

ETO: This is somewhat with a poetry approach lol. I shaped my artistry…”

FUTUREWAVE: It’s the direction Eto went in. This is a concept record and the whole album is a certain vibe, from the beats, to the lyrics, it all comes together perfectly

Eto, are you already working on something else? And can we expect more releases this year? For example, We dream to hear you and The Alchemist work together for an entire Lp. lol

ETO: I am working on a bunch of things , spitefully and politely! Get ready!!!! Alchemist is on deck well!!! Thanks for having us!! We just getting started.

And Futurewave, what about you? Have you already put someone in your sights for an upcoming collaborative work? And with whom do you dream of collaborating more than anyone else and why?

FUTUREWAVE: I have many projects prepared for 2023, my plate is full, some returning collabs and some new. All I can promise is 2023 will be my biggest year yet. I’m a huge Wu Tang fan so my dream is to build and collab with the Wu, Raekwon in particular.






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