Ceser interview: «Graffiti Culture is unstoppable»
Ceser 87, the graffiti writer from the island of Gran Canaria is undoubtedly one of the major artists and one of the most talented writers of the international scene. Let’s get to know him through this exclusive interview!
Tell us about your origins and how and when was born your inclination for the world of graffiti…
The first time that graffiti caught my attention was around Christmas time of 2004/2005. As a kid, I loved to draw but I did not dare to paint a wall because I didn’t feel ready. One day when at a friend’s house, I found some spray cans willing to try them for the first time.
How would you define your style and how has it evolved over the years? Did you immediately start to combine letters and puppets?
I like to experience a little bit of everything. Puppets have always attracted my attention, but letters are what I love the most. I always try to put my name on walls or bombings but if they can be “decorated” with some puppet or character, even better!

All your pieces are very creative and complex to realise. How does the creative process take place? Do you usually go in freestyle or is there any preparation or study behind it…
I like to be prepared. Sometimes I had to improvise, but if I prepare a sketch first, then I draw better. Freestyle usually happens when I forget the sketch at home!
Do you think that the noble art of graffiti writing has somehow influenced your personality and attitude?
Without any doubt, graffiti influenced me a lot!
In addition to the graffiti writer and great artist of the international scene, would you like to tell us who is Ceser in everyday life…
I’m a person like many others who surrounds themselves with people like many others; a person who paints for their own satisfaction and who disconnects himself from everything through graffiti.
Besides your amazing works, which is the one you are most proud of? Would you like to explain how was created, where did the inspiration come from and why…
Well, even if it seems strange, I’m usually not satisfied with many of my pieces, except for one made in the 503 area in San Salvador created with a pack of pens and a lighters! What initially seemed madness turned out to be a very curious work, that’s the truth!
Over the years you’ve got in contact with many artists… Do you feel most connected with any of them (on a personal level, stylistic side……)
I know many people from a lot of country but in Barcelona and Milan I have real friends always up for a new adventure and a good laugh!
When you are in front of a train with some sprays in your hands just ready to paint, how do you feel? Do you have any particular experience that for some reason have been impressed that you’d like to tell us?
I hardly painted trains! I come from an island where there are no railways and every time I travel I try to paint as much as possible. I remember once in Milan, I happened to paint with a flicker: it seemed to be in a disco, hahaha!

Graffiti culture is not always appreciated by the public as it’s associated most of the time to a form of vandalism. What do you think about it? What message would you send to these people?
This culture is unstoppable, writers comes up like mushrooms! Anyone who criticizes this culture is a person faraway from this world. These people shouldn’t criticize what they don’t know, since we don’t criticize what we don’t know!
Do you have any future projects?
My plan is to keep on painting ‘til my hands drop, as well as being able to meet the artists who inspired me to paint since I was a free and happy child: that’s my goal!