

I discovered the world of Graffiti in 1994, at the age of 15. My brother and I (later Krisa!) were fascinated by the phenomenon of Hip Hop culture, that had long invaded the Italian peninsula and already had a series of sensational performers on each of the 4 Elements. Anyway Graffiti Writing struck me immediately, instantly, without the possibility of escape!

Those were times when technology did not allow you to get virtually far, even telephone contacts were very complicated and all this meant only one thing: adventure, that is, you had to fuck your ass and throw it on a train, in search of the pirate Jam People, Unexpected hall of fames, Yards… the Goonies practically!

From there a climax of experiences, travels, escapes, dinners and sleepless nights, maximizing the incredible social power that this environment has always offered me, made up of hundreds of wonderful friends, hundreds of places that host you, hundreds of adventures that otherwise I would never have done!!

This entity has appropriated my existence and has always accompanied me through good and bad luck, so much so that I can’t really imagine an alternative lifestyle and even if I try to develop my creativity with different tools, the expressive freedom of Writing remains the most Superb!

Stylistically I went through various phases, often trying to change and experiment, forcing my skills a little and for this I just have to thank the great friends of all time, who are also my teachers, who are also my family… KNM crew!

Today I work creatively on different realities, such as the wonderful journey I am making with the EDF collective, based on social art projects and participatory planning interventions in the field of public art, but I absolutely cannot give up my love for letters!

I love Lettering and I believe that wildStyle still represents an important source of study, of admiration, of infinite possibilities… and even if I try to maintain a certain consistency in studying on paper (I collect piles and piles of sketchbooks) I cannot give up freestyle when I paint letters, I venerate the incredible rhythmic freedom that I find only in improvisation, the true pure magic of Writing!




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