Fosk: an indelible passion for sprays and graffiti

Fosk with humbleness, style and perseverance has become over the years one of the strongest and most original graffiti writers in Milan. He tells us his journey in a exclusive interview for Throwup Magazine…

Hi Fosk! Thanks for the opportunity, we’d like to start with a brief introduction about you, the years spent painting and your distinctive mark.

I was born in Milan in 1988 painting since 2002. I started writing my name just for fun, as I wanted to watch it around the city and in order to express myself. This pushed me to evolve my way of painting more and more. Over the years, I’ve often changed ways and styles trying to undertake me and to get complete in every respect. The elements that have always distinguished me are certainly the effects created around letters resembling metal or stone with some games of light and shadow. There was also a period that I got inspired by comics and I used to put some featured like eyes, mouths in my walls.

Is there any particular meaning behind the name Fosk?

Fosk is the abbreviation of “Foskia” (Mist). Friends of mine gave me this nickname because I used to make a lot of fog while smoking, so i decided to write it!

How did you approach the world of graffiti? Do you belong to any crew?

I got close to this world as I saw around my area and around the city a lot of graffiti especially the walls of the 16K crew (I’m part of it since 2015). Therefore I grew up with the UoK crew. Before those I had other crew but we were very young and unexperienced. I can tell you that the experience shared with the UoK crew shaped me a lot both on a personal and stylistical point of view.

In addition to sprays do you use other techniques? Which other surfaces do you prefer to paint on?

I like to experiment different techniques such as watercolor and acrylic but of course I do prefer walls; even if every surface I face is a challenge and a way to study new techniques. I have had so many experience that impressed me by drawing on “metal “: the escapes, the blows etc… I remember once, as we jumped into a famous yard in northern Italy, we found there a lot of other graffiti writers, and we made a double “wholetrain” with them. On that occasion I felt part of something that made me really proud. That night I realized that despite everything, graffiti unites people.

What would you recommend to those who want to make their steps into the graffiti scene both locally and internationally?

The only advice I feel I can pass on is to be humble; to learn from those who came first the pioneers always trying to evolve the study of letters and practicing as much as possible. Never take anything for granted.

What does the culture of graffiti writing mean for you? Did you manage to turn it into a job rather than a hobby?

” Graffiti Writing” is an expression and a way of communication that feeds you and knocks you down. It’s something that only those who are part of it can truly understand. I’ve always nurtured my passion of drawing in conjunction with graffiti. My fortune is to live with what I like to do: to paint distinguishing graffiti writing by other artistic expressions.

What do you think about the current graffiti scene compared to the disclosure of this phenomenon in Italy? Did it change completely or do you find any analogy?

It has certainly changed in many aspects both stylistic and mentally. I noticed that today the style is overshadow compared to quantity, but except of that I think there are some very good people around that push this culture bringing a fresh breeze to the scene. I do believe that the desire to expose yourself is unchanged.

What lessons did you learn from this noble art?

It taught me a lot. I experienced a lot that let me grow as a person and as an artist / graff writer. Thanks to this discipline I learned the most important thing for me: respect.


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