

Beps was born in Baggio, a district west of Milan in 1980. He began to approach aerosol art in 1994 and the first “piece” the following year, later he joined one of the longest-running and active crews in Italy, the Boogie Nights crew. BN, over the years comes to have 22 members from all over the peninsula and Europe by participating in numerous events scattered throughout the boot and also leaving the mark throughout the continent.

I approached the Hip Hop culture in 1994 in the first year of secondary school, looking at the walls around Ortica (a district of Milan); mainly of the legendary CKC / TKA and above all in Baggio, where there were Con and the SAD and then always in the Hood. I spent every day there , at a beautiful bulwark in Villa Amantea with Dosey, Chief, Shad, Sky4, Lemon.




But now I don't understand Hip Hop and I don't care, I do letters and listen to rap, that’s all.
I’m obsessed with one-liner throwies, I will never find peace!
is like a family to me, we have known each other for more than 25 years and I still remember some old telephone numbers!




I prefer the simple and legible line and I often change my name from Beps to Josè, from Paze to 2Huge, TIcal, Yusuf… in short, I always try to change the letters, to fit in as many combinations as possible.




The period of 1998-2007 was prolific when it comes to metal. Crazy cool. A unique feeling of adrenaline, satisfaction and a good dose of training in any weather.




In addition to graffiti writing, my passion is absolutely music, reggae / dancehall as well as Rap and then I delight in the kitchen!!
















Lastly, I wanted to tell you a 15 year old story of when we did the Silver Tange Bombs battle against MAD / PS friends. Oh well, we won (BN / SAD) like 20 to 18. At least, that's my version of the facts!

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