

I was born in 1987. My passion as a graffiti writer stems from a lifelong obsession. As a child, I found drawing a way to express myself and drawing was a way to connect with a fantastic world. The simple act of drawing a sheet gives me infinite satisfaction. The story begins in 2000; driven by my friend Patrick (Nesa) from whom I inherited my name NISWE and to whom I hold in a special way…



I lived with my grandmother and against her wishes I left home to start a graffiti artist career. The first goal was to get noticed in my neighborhood (Pomezia) with tags and flops, where the scene takes more and more shape distinguishing me more and more from others and evolving in my style where I incorporate intertwined and overlapping letters, independent shapes, and associations with arrows (wildstyle). 




My first crew was the SKM (state mental chaos) then CRIMINALS crew (Niswe Phiesta Brus Zampetta) we stood out for the complete themed background murals, for the streets above roofs and unreachable places, for blocks along km and trains that looked like legal murals.




The gift of drawing gradually transforms from surfaces to skin becoming to date a full-time professional tattoo artist but this does not prevent me from creating graffiti that for me are an essential relief of my soul. All this today is thanks to Patrick, a friend I have never been able to thank, because he has been in a vegetative coma for more than 20 years after a bad accident: “I hope that one day you will be able to see my works”.





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