

I am from Stockholm (Sweden) and I have been into graffiti since around ‘99 becoming a graffiti writer in 2014.

“Letters first, Always” – a quote that’s actually been less important over the years. Letters DO often come first, but now I explore kind of everything trying to break things down, I take the Goodies challenging them in my way. I do a lot of stuff that I take back and implement on letters.

I don’t really see myself as an artist.. I see what I do as a hobby where I try to solve problems in colors and angles, if that makes sense.

A couple of years ago I was in for a lot of commissions etc. but I really discovered that it was the wrong way to go at that time. Atm I just want to have fun! I try to keep it simple with funky lettering, advanced with flaring and spray techniques.

Moves that can destroy the whole piece are always the funniest and it gives you the most satisfying kick when nailing them. One nailed flare can sometimes give me more than the finished piece….

Since 2 years back I’ve had the privilege to be supported by ”Flamepaint Sweden” with all my sprays, so they have been a big part of my progress. THANK YOU! I’ve been painting on some jams here in Sweden and got a free ticket to the Meeting of Styles Copenhagen the past year. Besides that I mostly just paint at the closest wall available… I just want to paint!
Colors, motion and funk for the win!


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