Reeno Dosher

Reeno Dosher

Reeno Dosher was born in the province of Milan in 1980. From an early age, he showed a marked propensity for drawing.In 1994 he discovered the world of Graffiti, which became the focal point of his artistic research paths.

I have always drawn since I was a child but one day came into my hands some postcards of the Berlin Wall and I got fascinated by those drawings. Therefore I started copying them and producing things remotely similar...

In 1997 he moved near Caserta, in the Italian province. The small reality of the Italian province will be a fertile ground to develop a personal and unique style that will characterize him till he reaches the recognition of the national scene.

I did my first serious piece with my first crew precisely in ‘94/95, on a wall of a school. I took the authorization either from the school and from my father. He bought me some shitty sprays, but they were fine and I wrote "Rupe" with rasta colors...

Nowadays, once again in Milan, Reeno continues his research path aiming at the classic styles of Writing, cleaning, and synthesizing the forms of his work, with a unique hybrid between throw-up and wildstyle. Today he is part of the BN, CTA, IENSOLIDS crews.

The first train was an abandoned train and we didn't even finish it because a madman ran after us with a crowbar so I did another one in in a random Milano yard... At that time where you might easily find other writers inside. Luckily I moved to Caserta and the story changed for the better as it was just us painting!
The Milanese scene of the second half of the 90s was very fascinating. Milan gave you a thousand inputs, each of the established crews had their own style and areas, and we who had arrived later, just had to learn from them and get influenced in the right way.
But what the fuck, now there is Instagram… we are full of strong writers... But there's no longer the magic of seeing the pieces live, which for me remains a very cool and fundamental thing.
I don't really know how to define my style .. It definitely comes from wildstyle, although I like to think of it more as a mental approach...
I think living in two different cities has influenced me a lot. Milan is where everything was born and Caserta consecrated me by evolving my way of writing...
I have surely learned that having such a passion leads you to be able to live in any place and make the most of it...
Each of my crew brothers have different and recognizable styles, and i get inspired a lot by them! By the way I always prefer classic pieces full of substance and with few disguises...

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