

Mister Acker is an Italian writer, born and raised in the beautiful city of Palermo, Sicily. He started painting in 2004 at the age of 14. His style can’t be defined as the classic wildstyle as he stretches out and casts off letters instead of the conventional arrows. Therefore his pieces are often represented in negative tones. This particular use of colors combined with his unique half splitted 3D lines have become his signature.

The first tag I actually used on walls was Arakne/Aracne. I used this name for about a year, then I had to change due to the fact that I had completely vandalised my neighbourhood and some bad guys were looking for me. I had to find a new name...
Acker + Chapu + Loste Acker + Chapu + Loste
Well, for a start when I began around 2004 the Internet was not a major factor as it is today, therefore in order to see new pieces and gain references you had to visit historic halls of fame or buy writing fanzines from local graff shops. The movement was strictly underground in those days, not mainstream. If you were a writer you were seen as a "weirdo" not as an artist...

Between the mid-late 2000s he made a huge production of walls, bombing and trains with the NTS – HP and LATINOS crews as ,due to judicial troubles from 2010 ‘til today, he dedicated exclusively to Hall of Fame painting.

This "noble art" has both given and taken a lot from me. From an economic standpoint it is disastrous. Emotionally it cannot be compared to anything else. However, given the chance, I wouldn't change a thing...
During the years I have often striven to find a balance between the single letter and the piece in its entirety. My aim is to interlace letters without stressing any particular glyph...
Tigro + Acker + Zeta Tigro + Acker + Zeta

He’s currently part of the Skill Burners, a Sicilian crew linking the cities of Palermo and Messina. In September 2019, he organized the “Street Art” project of Palermo, concerning the legalization of 28 city walls.

I have dabbled in all of the writing categories: street bombing, trains, sketches and walls. Each category is associated with a particular emotion and a true writer must experience all of these at least once in a lifetime...
Acker + Rosk + Loste Acker + Rosk + Loste
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  • Terrible Beote says:

    Eres un escritor con un buen estilo
    Cada estilo es unico e incomparable
    Saludos desde Santa catarina Mexico

Altri artisti