

RAME13, illustrator, street artist and tattoo artist was born in Pisa in 1989. She is an eclectic artist always looking to new techniques, skillfully switching from graphics to painting. She exposed in Seville, Turin, Lucca, Pisa, Florence and many other cities, also participating to important Street Art Festivals.

In 2015, she took part to Paratissima in Turin afterwards getting into the urban street art in 2016. She collaborated with Streetbookmegazine and with the Progeas Family, a young curatorial reality promoting cultural and artistic events in the area. Therefore, she participated to the exhibition Inseminazione Artistica – la Mostra Disobbediente and La Mostra nel Cemento; to Festival such as Suoni di Villalba, Human Evolution and to the Wall Skin for the Florence Tattoo Convention 2016. In October 2019, she painted to the Gala de Traficantului de Cultura International in Romania.

In 2017, she exhibited at the Street Levels Gallery in Florence, for the Urban Nature exhibition, participated to the UpFest 2017 Street Art Festival in Bristol, to the Urban Vision and to the Atomic Garden Festival. In the same year, she carries out the T.U.C.C. Tuscany Urban Color Correction with her crew Elektro Domestik Force(EDF).

At the end of 2017, she painted a new line of Lovebag Bags for the brand Pinko at the Lafayette Gallery in Paris. In 2018, she spent a lot of time and energy continuing her stylistic research in the world of tattoo.

In July’18, she painted with brush a whole showroom also taking part to the Spin-off of the Urban Vision Festival painting another huge wall dedicated to the Blues. In August’18, she participated to the Unconventional Jam Art in a small city of the southern part of Italy (Prata Sannita), meeting many artists and collaborating with a great contemporary street artist and crew colleague as Marco Sera Milaneschi. In September’18, she participated to the Street Art Festival in Torrefarrera (Spain), where she painted with a brush an entire jungle wall of 30×5 meters.

Furthermore, thanks to her sketch “Ciarlie de Barrios”, she won the call for artist launched by the Uovo alla Pop Gallery to rehabilitate an urban space in Livorno. October’19 brought her back to paint to the Livorno Food wall. November’19 faced another collaboration with PINKO, travelling around different Italian cities for a 10 days tour where, she realized the “Adagio” murals for a Chianti Classico winery.

In 2019, she got back to collaborate on other occasion with Pinko. In March’19, she participated to the Art in Park Festival and to a group exhibition in the UpGallery in Rome. In April’19, she went to Civitanova to paint the street art project Vedo a Colori curated by Giulio Vesprini. Subsequently, she made a mural for an elementary school, within the T.U.C.C. project and his EDF crew. In the same month, she went to Genoa with the Walk the Line project, to the UpGallery in Rome and to the BlueFlow Festival in Ventotene.

A Giugno prende parte al Meeting of Styles di Madrid per poi proseguire a Milano all’Urban Giants Festival. Durante l’estate ha partecipato anche al Meeting of Styles in Kosovo e ha preso parte al progetto, Sant’Angelo il Paese delle Fiabe, dipingendo due grandi murales “Il libro della Giungla”“I Musicanti di Brema”.

In June’19, she took part to the Meeting of Styles in Madrid and to the all’Urban Giants Festival in Milan. During summer, she went also to the Meeting of Styles in Kosovo and she took part the project, ant’Angelo il Paese delle Fiabe, painting two large murals: “Il Libro della Giungla” (The Jungle Book) and “I Musicanti di Brema” (The Bremen Town Musicians).


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