Gran Canaria


Born in Gran Canaria in 1985, he began painting in 2004. His grandfather was an artist so he wanted to be the same. Along with Ceser87, is part of VGC crew, painting constantly both on trains and walls.

The charismatic style of his works, that we can also define “symmetrical”, ranges from wildstyle to wild 3D, from calligraphy to funky bubble style. Saker is very fast when he paints walls and trains.

Everything I do in the wall is improvised, I only know how is the sketch but every color, detail or bubble it comes out of my mind right in the moment!
It all started when, back in the 2004, I had a complicated injure skating. I had to stay a while in home and I was a rebel kid in those days so I took a paper and pencil and started to sketch without knowing how it was going to end...
When I started as a writer on my island "Gran Canaria" the writer spirit was everything... there were too many crews that today don’t do this, only me and my brother were left representing day by day in this scene...
I never knew I was this creative all this time. For me it’s a gateway for everything, when I grab a can I forget about any problem that I could have. Graffiti is in another level for me and too many people don’t understand this. I live for this!
My style at first was pure bombing but through the years, experiences and influences had me going to create my sketches became more personal. Every week I do too many sketches, canvas, prints...
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  • Papa Moll says:

    Good guy, fascinating and proper style.
    And finally always new tries of color set-ups.

    Always worth a look!!!

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